Eliminate your neck pain at home
Simply lie down for 10 minutes a day to relieve neck and back pain . The device gently stretches the spine, decompresses the vertebrae and releases nerves trapped under pressure from the discs.
Result : a healthier, naturally aligned back for lasting comfort.
Fix your spine permanently
The Flexzen cushion uses 26° lumbar traction to decompress the spine, release nerves and relieve accumulated tension.
After a few days of use, it restores mobility, relieves pain and sustainably strengthens the structures of the spine.
Effectively relieves your pain
Neck pain
Lower back pain
Back pain
Recommended by health experts
Tested and approved by health professionals: Physiotherapists, orthopedists and rheumatologists. Guarantee of quality and effectiveness, validated for long-lasting relief in complete safety.
Already more than 26,000 customers have trusted us
Sophie L.Verified BuyerVery satisfiedAfter just a few days my back feels so much better. No more pain when I wake up.
Caroline N.Verified BuyerRelievedI didn't expect such relief. It changed my nights!
Martin E.Verified BuyerHelped me a lotI had constant lower back pain, but with this device it is finally under control!
Steve G.Verified BuyerEffective solution!After years of pain, this device finally provided a solution. I recommend it without hesitation.
Antoine D.Verified BuyerEffectiveI use it every night and have noticed a huge difference in my neck.
Luke J.Verified BuyerWorks wellGreat for relieving tension after a long day. It has become a must-have for me.
Jules C.Verified BuyerVery useful!My chiropractor recommended it to me and I am delighted with the results. A real discovery.
Pauline T.Verified BuyerExceeds expectationsI bought this thinking it might help, and it exceeded my expectations. Pain reduced!
Lina S.Verified BuyerReduced painProvides immediate relief. My back pain is much more bearable.